Saturday, May 22, 2010


who can mourn in the face of such beauty?
the snow has wept itself down into green
and your feet, also weeping
have drawn lines across the softness
and the world has drunk down all waters together
and has quenched itself on all waters together
and watches you now, emerald eyes gleaming


aria said...

you seem to be on a roll..
keep writing ... :)
loved each one of them

Perry Strange said...

...fab! Funny how it comes in fits and starts, eh?

--have you gotten your rains yet, m'dear?

...and, if you've a mind to--would you like to try writing together again? ... send me a stub, or I've got one or two things nagging at me. don't plan to drop out of life again for awhile, so I expect I'll actually be there to catch whatever you send me.

Because I know I, myself, am hitting the edges of my mind... and, from what you've said, that you might running a bit dry as well?