Tuesday, May 24, 2011

... (xxvii).

the tide of pink
and burning yellow
rolling down the slopes
--did you see it?
the windows glowing
along the crest
of the canyon
--the lights winking
like eyes opening
blinking away
the light--in the clear hour
before the shadows come

or did you sit--in the gnarled
shade of the oaks, the banked
shadow--of the eucalyptus
crack one astringent leaf
between your fingers?
--saw the echos of the day's end
glancing off the papery trunks
flickering at the edge of the branches
in the deeper darkness welling up
from the bunched roots?

why don't we walk
where the sidewalk
turns to shadow, why do
I follow the pavement rising
and falling above the buildings
alone--while you sit in crowded
silence--watching the light fall
through rigid fingers?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not gracefully...

... and not quietly, neither (pace Mr. Dylan).

the lasting hour--this one
we must crouch
as the guns thunder
your chest would shake
--in a silent room
at the tumult
--close your eyes
to the clicking
the hum of voices, be still as
the hills gilded by the light
of the mortars--close your eyes
--to shut the night in
descend, into the dark
fields within you, where the bullets
snap under the stars
--let them talk peace... let 'em talk it
and stand there in the white light
hands raised--and hopeful
close your eyes
and deny them

and give yourself unto the trenches
--you will die at war

Friday, May 13, 2011


Sin-eater eat your sin
--dissolve it
as I lick the salt off your skin
and it burns, bitter
chalky ash of the seas
that have passed through you—your arms
have become the shores
of your desire

this is the only ablution waiting
how long did you walk
--with the asphalt melting below you
to watch the dry hills shimmer
in the heat, grass waving
in the still basin of the sky
--and I am waiting

we—have been washed clean
by our own tides, have tumbled
and spun among the waves rolling
across us—we have hung
atop the rollers—to grasp at
the sky—we
--have become strange and quiet
half-polished, unhallowed—rueful ghosts
with still-breathing bodies
--let me lick the salt from your skin

Friday, May 6, 2011

... (xxvi).

the moon watches from the corner of her eye
the night opens like a door
and the hills stand high
in sharp outline,
behind her sloping gaze
--eyes you, waiting
if you'd walk in these halls, then
you must go forward also
quick--in gleaming outline
in flashes

let us walk
through the shadows falling
off the tile
sprawled across the pavement
leaning, grinning--against the stucco
with the city padding between us
you're a simple soul, eh?
that makes you lucky
--you don't know what you can't do
no dancer--you go running
trade skill for distance
since I'm having trouble denoting "forward"
I'm taking the graceless slapping
of your sneakers--as the echo of the walls
here--to delineate the shape
of the rooms that lie before me

Sunday, May 1, 2011

... (xxv).

speak to yourself
in foreign accents--repeat your thoughts
in some other language, mumble
in the words you knew--before you knew words
to the ones who came before you,
leaning out from the shadows, spun round
behind the columns, the doorways
the first one who hid--behind a boulder
from what they could not see
whisper, what they whispered above
clouds of incense, through sheets
of smoke, choking out the shapes
of buildings, and street names
as they watched the fire feeding
--etched the script across
the film clouding their
eyes--sounded the letters
like beacons, in the hanging
fog, to sound the bulk
of the lies, the slope
of the memories
and when the wind
whipped free of the hillsides
it met them in cadence, but
when the air is still--it pays
to bow your head, to mumble
under the shade and shelter
of your eye-lids--it pays
to trace the figures small