Friday, September 16, 2011

... (xxx).

with the terror that falls down
upon you
in glistering sheets
like the Word from Heaven
the bushes burn every evening
before night comes
--they speak the fiery proscriptions
of the dying sun
the exegesis and apologia
of shadow caught in their branches
sliding from your shoulders
your feet mark the flood-line
--the light on your face warns
that you may be drowning
--but I felt the first of the rains
prickle my forearms
I smell the mountains in the air
--give me a God like a mountain
and I will worship it with my lungs

Sunday, September 4, 2011


if it had rained
I would've stopped by your house
on the way home
and dragged you out into the street
--you should take off those wet things, shouldn't you?
but the rain never came
and the dry lightning forked the sky
and I hurried home
alone--just this side of terror
for the chances that never came
and the plans that never came together
for the words unsaid, the worlds unmade
flashed bright, once, then gone forever
for all the things that never happened
--I find it's best to blame the weather.