Sunday, May 1, 2011

... (xxv).

speak to yourself
in foreign accents--repeat your thoughts
in some other language, mumble
in the words you knew--before you knew words
to the ones who came before you,
leaning out from the shadows, spun round
behind the columns, the doorways
the first one who hid--behind a boulder
from what they could not see
whisper, what they whispered above
clouds of incense, through sheets
of smoke, choking out the shapes
of buildings, and street names
as they watched the fire feeding
--etched the script across
the film clouding their
eyes--sounded the letters
like beacons, in the hanging
fog, to sound the bulk
of the lies, the slope
of the memories
and when the wind
whipped free of the hillsides
it met them in cadence, but
when the air is still--it pays
to bow your head, to mumble
under the shade and shelter
of your eye-lids--it pays
to trace the figures small

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