Friday, June 20, 2008

... et fini!

Well. There you have it.

That's about a year's worth of work there, stolen from in between the pages of essays and articles.

As my Dad would say (or would say if he was a proper Texan and used such amusingly colorful colloquialisms)... now we see if that dog can hunt...

A bit of an experiment this-- to see if putting these up on the web will stress me out so much that I can't write. Like the prospect of joining a writer's group is currently doing.

And... y'know... I took a Creative Writing class, and absolutely loved the feedback and discussion... and I think the set-up made it so that the stuff I took in was better than it might have been... but then there was stuff that I would *never* have been comfortable taking in... like the God stuff. The God stuff is really very hard to share with anyone with whom I have to make extended eye contact.

... so it was a useful experience to the extent which it promoted accountability, and detrimental when it got to the point of self-censorship.

... so I'm trying the internet instead... and if I find that I can still work well despite the (relative. because poetry is poetry is poetry and posting it on the internet, I feel, just means that you get fifteen interested readers instead of two...) exposure, and that the ease and annoymity of blogging doesn't lead me to stuff this page with pablum...

... then I'll keep at it. But will be gone for awhile, because, like I said, I just posted the past nine months... so need to rebuild the stock.

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