Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mountain Climbing in Beijing

Mountain Climbing in Beijing

No mountains to climb, here.
Pass over the sidewalk,
heart leaping on every swell
in the pavement.

Sometimes- a break in the buildings
or a cut-- the snaking canal,
exposes the edges
of the crowd.

On the pedals of his bike
he rises, cresting
the sea of heads--
a sudden hillside, but already
fallen to pumping knees and rubble.

In the middle of Red Square
too much pavement to fill
even with my gaze.

But, up on the bridge-- I'm tired,
not used to climbing, anymore
I lean against the railing.

The sun dissolves into smoke
settles, red, across everything-- the avenue
that runs straight into the plains
which spread, flat, to the horizon
and circle the city.

Due west, a long smudge
peaking heavy against the haze
dark and definite, if far
not out of the eye's reach--
not too far to rest your gaze on,
strong enough to push up the sky.

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