Thursday, February 17, 2011


let it be--that
I may have made a mistake
that's ignorance, you know
that's youth--to go humming
your own melody, softly
under your breath
and all unconscious of the clash
and clamor, when it runs up against
another--and two chords turn
upon each other--you don't know
until you've heard it.

still--notes are strange
unwieldy things--who knows
how many, melodies are buried
in their vibrations?
how twisted, and arching
the gaps
between the pitches
that compose them?

who knows--but
I catch the echo
of a song I heard, once
much closer
--and I see that
although it twists past me
and wanders in the needles
--I glimpse it in snatches
I see that--
what I heard rang true.

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