Saturday, January 30, 2010

kali (iii)

you must be strong
cannot be soft
--to dance with Kali

for she is lush destruction
she is all curving
foothills, sharp and rolling

the thick smell of rot
hanging under
the trailing vines,
rising from
the dark
at the bottom of the cupboard
and within you too

she is fire
rolling thickly
on soft feet
and crackling richly
and the lightning
over the velvet
emptiness of her eyes

cannot be wood
--she gnaws it
to pulp and splinters
nor earth
which she treads heavily
and water she devours

you must be steel
for she consumes the living
sharp in your head
and bright in your bones
flashing quickly
and she might roll
along your edges
and roll the fullness
of her lips,
and flash her teeth
bone-white and strong

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