--washed clean,
thank god--the grime on the walls
dissolved, in the burning flush
of the light, the trees picked bare
the fruit rotting on the ground
swept from the walkways
the silence, in the daylight
gleaming, on the faces washed
the heated rooms, the burning
burr in the cool night air, the
fetid whispers hanging
in the valleys, the dark glances
in the alleys, the distant
shouting, the dusky
scent of smoke and jasmine
echoing across the hillsides
the dirt gleaming
under the hard shine
of the stars, and the sky
deep and velvet
from the lights
--stillness, now
you can hear the crickets
and jackel yelping in the brush
beyond the walls
--we say, there were always
crickets, but we used
to howl louder than the jackels
that strange night, when the cup
fell, and the slaves sat
like they're supposed to--beside
the couches--remember couches?
and the wine went seeping into the
rushes, to join the fallen meat
and the strings were whining
and moaning, and that man was standing
and speaking clearly,
remember the light on the silk?
standing there in linen
and pointing to the wall
--before the gates broke
before the streets were swept
clean, before our eyes were
washed out, and our hands
scrubbed, and our voices taught
to speak--
--I saw fire burning across
the wall
--tell me
it's easy to make a flame
but where would you have written?
if we hadn't made the walls