Tuesday, May 24, 2011

... (xxvii).

the tide of pink
and burning yellow
rolling down the slopes
--did you see it?
the windows glowing
along the crest
of the canyon
--the lights winking
like eyes opening
blinking away
the light--in the clear hour
before the shadows come

or did you sit--in the gnarled
shade of the oaks, the banked
shadow--of the eucalyptus
crack one astringent leaf
between your fingers?
--saw the echos of the day's end
glancing off the papery trunks
flickering at the edge of the branches
in the deeper darkness welling up
from the bunched roots?

why don't we walk
where the sidewalk
turns to shadow, why do
I follow the pavement rising
and falling above the buildings
alone--while you sit in crowded
silence--watching the light fall
through rigid fingers?

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