Sunday, February 13, 2011


the smell of smoke
and windows falling in rivulets
the streets, rushing in streams
of false-water,
shimmering in the sun

my beloved is dead
spun so furiously that
she flung herself over the ridges
and the blue shade,
rolling down the slopes
is her shadow
and the spark, where the road
turns at the summit
is the glint in her eye

but that strange, compact body
which twisted and rose
which moved of itself
that was for gripping
has flown apart
and settled over the ground
I will scatter my words,

and sing a lullaby in the daylight
with the moon hanging low
under the bristling palms
and the pepper trees dropping
their seeds in the dust.

it seems I am staring
out across the valley
from between her rib-bones
that the hazy ridges rise
under the curve of her knee
and her skin has gone
to cover the roof-tops
and what was beneath it
fills the streets,
teeming under the branches

but she holds the sky in her bones.

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