you'll never know how many words I've wasted
trying to capture this thing
gleam, glint, shadow, echo, etc.
so I will say it simply:
that I love you as form of self-preservation
when I was more than foolish
I flung myself into your depths
and you have yet to return it
I will always be seeking you
for that reason--
around corners and at line-breaks
in crowds, fields, squares, halls, etc.
I will make you the measure of all things
for no other reason, than I will wish to find myself
if only in pieces--long after you've consigned me
to scrap,
monstrous thief--to take not my heart but my eyes
terrifyingly mediocre--like a claims adjuster
you don't know the measure of what you hold
between your fingers
who you'll kill when you turn your head
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