that this morning was familiar
and the bite in the air
and my lungs full
of the ache, of the deep wound
from when my ribs opened
like a hand, reaching
the sweet bite
the shadows cast
by the ruins within you
now, stretching long
to your nails
if the shade is the only thing
soon--there will be dark enough
to lay in, the night's rest
and the bright morning moon
soon to be ever-awakening
and the trees on fire
with the sunrise
and the first glow
of daylight on the feathers
soon--you will be ever-rising
and the day
will course past
and you will sunder yourself
from the sun
"the shadows cast
by the ruins within you" Sigh!
I love the way you use 'nature' as a metaphor..
as always evokes certain images of sun and shade .. and a dawn tinged with dusk..
I have a "thing" about light... which makes mid-day difficult, actually. Is there any time worse than the hours between noon and 2?
... once again--"dawn tinged..."--you show me something I didn't see myself.
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