Monday, June 3, 2019


this place, these people--chattering under the lights
leaning against the slats, 
the mountains to the left, thunderheads glowing on the snow

may all the spirits bless this place--
these bright children, these busy citizens
walking through the city, bustling down the freeway
down by the road--under the overpass
in the shade

the sun shine bright but not sharp, 
come down upon you through the branches
the mountains hold you, just under the sky

the fear came to you, and you did not know
but you live, though--you are living still

you don't need to fear, I will hold you
and my grasp will not fail you, and my grip
will not falter--

if I swing you forward--you carry me forward, 
and we will go, we will all go forward, 
together--across the line, 
not one less, and not one missing

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