Saturday, October 3, 2015


let the kitchen constrain
the baseboards limn
the function--

I swear I am falling

let the seconds gasp
heavily, the minutes
slow, sluggish

I swear I am falling
through the floorboards

unexpected, unwanted

for these few hours--
I am free

unwarranted, unexpected
unwanted, still--

I swear I am falling, the
cannon rolls, and

the windows shake my
reflection, I hear a roar
through the crack,

in the glass

a war deferred, still, I do
not believe--I have faith

in the roar, and the roll
far off, I believe

in the horror, the crowd,
the seconds delineate,

unwanted, unexpected, unwarranted
I am free for just this one moment,

I believe, in this one moment,
unwanted, I believe

I am falling, in just this one moment,
the baseboard limn, the windows

reflection, the kitchen limns, I believe
I am falling--

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