Thursday, July 19, 2012

Darker Science

This isn't very good... I wanted to write something for "Gen X".


you--the children of a darker science
of sun-blazed battlefields
of a thousand points of light
you--born in the uneasy calm
the strange brightness before dawn
you--winter's children,
the first to damp the fires, you
require the scent of smoke
the swirling ash--you remember
stunned by daylight--you remember,
the old gleam and flicker--guilty
the furious glory in huddling, ducking
the grinding joy of stretching--up
at the first light

--you could be forgiven, for raging
for stamping and burning--
life was hacking through the drifts
life was burning the darkness,
--as tenuous as the shadow's edge
as the flame's bright dip,
as boots on ice, the world watched on
you did not slip
you could be forgiven for having fallen

you--who were born in strife, in spite
the snow's hard kiss--the wind's sharp stroke
in no way kind
who said--damn the drifts,
we will burn the light
you could be forgiven--if the sun
left you blind, and groping
if the melt made you stumble
unsteady--tilting at shadows falling
between the leaves, that are budding
forgiven for forgetting,
the shadow behind your eyes

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