Monday, April 13, 2009


my dear soul
--my dear brother
I cast reflections, in many windows
on many sidewalks
in the polished cars and pools of water
dear soul—I am so reflexive
I carry the shadows
of many others, I carry fragments
of sentences, the dates and names
--whole geographies, incomplete
and swirling histories
and I am a conquered place, and sullied
with the marks of many invaders
--and the ruins of those who once
lit upon me, who have gone
but you, Soul—you
you haver over my blankets
you come rushing over me
launch yourself from the mountains
at my eyes
you have not gone from me
will not go from me
and you will not stay.
But be near, you persistent refugee
hold for me, what must be lost
what I have shed
hold—Soul, and carry and stay
someday I will be lighter
and we will walk in the shadows
and the light shall disregard us
and reflection shall lose itself
on itself, and will lose its way
in the darkness,
and the sacred space between us
will be clear

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