Sunday, March 21, 2010


--and no, you can't say,
even the trees escaped the winter unscathed
and my reflection hangs
shaggy and spindled
now, with the snow gone
the sun gleams on the peaks of my face, only
and no longer breaks itself on the ground
no more gleaming
--and I am not the man I used to be
with my jeans hanging in folds
what is to be done with returning sparrows?
what is to be done with the crocus
gnawing brightly at the dead leaves?
no, you place of lines
we slowly, in the cracked
mush of what you have torn
and ground and left for dead
at the margins
--each of us, pushes
each alone

--nah, the crocus can't walk
and the trees will flame and shake, again
but some of us--can rise for good
when the sky comes to the ground
you--stiff where you lie
you will find, this pushing from the inside
by God--this blind pressure

will come to you also
and one step, ten thousand times
will grind you
back into dirt

... (xvi?)

raise this city, tonight
just now-- when the musky scent of day
still lingers, after she has left.
among the welter of lights
clogging the street
before the night comes to sunder things
from themselves,
and coyote's howl traces across the slopes
between the scattered lights-
before we must give the shadows their due
and let them eat out our legs for awhile.

spread across these streets, my friends
like the light on the clouds
and raise the sky up to the ground

Thursday, March 11, 2010


the sky as dark, and soft
as the down on the neck of a goose
and the wind the gentle
rustling of feathers
and as soft as the music
trickling through the door
and my thoughts too
flitting softly
across me

I was sitting
with the light drifting down
watching the mud on my boots
and fragments of you, all
lit, briefly, on the sill
next to me
wings twitching, and hopping
and rose lightly
gliding past the eaves

well you--you, all
clear skies to your passing
and may the night carry you softly

Monday, March 8, 2010


and as always--
thirst returned sweetly
and I sipped a memory
it slipped across
the ache,
and fell away
--I am tired
only the thought
of heaviness
the pressure
of the nearby
--and the gap well-worn
to lean for once
and rest there